Written by Yu Meng et al.
Paper Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.07245.pdf
- Motivation: To suggest a weakly-supervised text classification model trained on only unlabeled corpus without external sources.
- Contribution: 1) no need for external sources like Wikipedia. 2) using indicative words for category and predicting the masked ones. 3) comparable text classification performance compared to (semi-) supervised baselines.
- Limitation: Heuristic tuning required for selecting indicative words and constructing category vocabulary.
Text classification: a classic task in NLP (e.g. spam detection, sentiment analysis).
Annotation cost: Previous approaches require large-scale labeled documents with a good number of human-labeled documents as training data.
Pre-trained language model is trained on large-scale unlabeled corpus and can capture “high-order, long-range semantic dependency” in sequences.
Weakly-supervised text classification: only label names are provided and the classifier is trained on unlabeled data
- Limitation: Need of external knowledge sources
- General knowledge for understanding category
- Feature extracted for classification
- Self-training using LM
Contributions of LOTClass
- Suggest weakly-supervised text classification model using PLM without external knowledge sources like Wikipedia.
- Suggest a methods for finding indicative words for categories and masked category prediction.
- Can generalize well using self-training on unlabeled corpus.
3.1 Category understanding via label name replacement
Human can understand semantics of label names by correlated keywords.
To learn category vocab using PLM,
- BERT produces contextualized embedding vector of label name: h
- MLM (masked language modeling) head produces probability distribution over entire vocab V
$$p(w|h) = Softmax (W_2 \sigma (W_1h+b))$$
To replace original label name, select top-50 predicted similar words.
Form category vocab of each class using top-100 words ranked by how many times they can replace the label name.
e.g. Label name: “sports”
→ Replaced with top-50 words predicted by MLM
- Word distribution can be different from its surrounding context!
- 1: 스포츠 → baseball, 2: 뽐내다 → featured
→ Category vocabulary consist of top-100 frequently replaced words.
3.2 Masked category prediction
How human perform classification? Focus on category-indicative words in a corpus!
💡 First idea: Highlight every occurrence of category vocabulary entry in the corpus!
→ Limitation
- Context is important: Not every occurrence of category words indicates the category.
- Vocabulary can not cover everything: Coverage of category vocab is limited.
💡 Okay, then let’s try Masked Category Prediction
LM produces contextualized word-level category supervision (like pre-trained MLM).
To predict implied category of a word masked.
- $w$: category-indicative word for class $c_w$
- $S_{ind}$: a set of category-indicative words + category labels
- Mask $w$ with [MASK] token and train model to predict $w$’s indicating category $c_w$
- CE loss with linear layer
$$L_{MCP}=-\Sigma_{(w,c_w)\in S_{ind}} logp(c_w|h_w)$$
Advantage: infer categories based on the word’s contexts instead of memorizing context-free category keywords.
3.3 Self-training on entire unlabeled corpus
- Many unlabeled documents not seen by the model in MCP, which have no detected category keywords.
- During MCP, the classifier predicts categories with masked words but have not been applied on the [CLS] token.
- [CLS] token offers information about the entire sentence.
💡 Self-training
: Iteratively use the model’s current prediction P (student) to compute a target distribution Q (teacher) which guides refined training.
KL divergence loss
: How similar are two distributions? (Let’s make P close to target distribution Q)
$$L_{ST} = KL (Q||P) = \Sigma \Sigma q_{ij}log {{q_{ij}} \over {p_{ij}}}$$
(i: instance, j: class)
Soft labeling derives target distribution $q_{ij}$ by enhancing high-confidence predictions while suppressing low-confidence ones (큰 확률은 더 크게, 작은 확률은 더 작게):
$$q_{ij} = {{p^2_{ij} / f_j} \over {\Sigma_{j'} (p^2_{ij'} / f_j')}}$$
(f: sum of all p)
Model predictions $p_{ij}$ is produced by applying the classifier trained through MCP to [CLS] token of each doc:
$$p_{ij} = p(c_j|h_{d_i:[CLS]})$$
- The choice of Q: Hard labeling and soft labeling
- We prefer soft labeling.
- Hard labeling is more prone to error propagation.
- Soft labeling computes target distribution for every instance and no confidence thresholds need to be preset.
Dataset statistics.
Test acc.
(a) How many labeled docs are label names worth?
→ Performance of LOTClass is close to that of Supervised BERT with 48 labeled doc per class.
- (해석) BERT에 supervision을 주었을 때, unlabeled corpus와 label name만으로 학습한 LOTClass와 성능이 같아지려면, class 당 48개의 labeled documents 주어야 한다?
(b) Test accuracy and self-training loss when training LOTClass.
- Loss decreases within a period of 50 steps (= update interval for target distribution Q)
- Model refining itself on unlabeled data iteratively through ST, performance improves.
(c) LOTClass vs. BERT v. simple match during ST.
- BERT v. simple match does not seem to benefit from ST.
- Why? Documents containing label names may not be actually about the category (like homonym or polysemy? 동음이의어/다의어)
- Noise from simple match can cause the model to high-confidence wrong predictions
- → Prevents model from finding correct classification signals while ST.
Related Works
Semi-supervised text classification
How to leverage unlabeled data?
- Augmentation-based: generate new instances and regularize the model’s prediction to be invariant to small changes in input.
- Graph-based: text networks with words, documents, and labels and propagate labeling information along the graph using GNN.
→ 🤔 I’m not sure whether it’s a good categorization...
Weakly-supervised text classification
categorizes text documents based only on word-level descriptions of each category without the need of labeled documents.
- Distant supervision: Use Wikipedia to interpret label name semantics and derive document concept relevance.
- Learning from general knowledge without any unlabeled domain-specific data → “dataless classification”
- Topic models: word-aware topics by biasing Dirichlet priors and to infer posterior document-topic assignment.
- ☑️ Neural approaches: assign documents pseudo labels to train classifier by 1) generating pseudo doc or using LMs to detect category-indicative words.
Zero-shot text classification
generalizes the classifier trained on a known label set to an unknown one without using any new labeled documents.
- Transferring knowledge from known to unknown label set relies on:
- semantic attributes and descriptions of all classes
- correlation among classes
- joint embeddings of classes and docs
- Zsh learning still requires labeled data for the seen label set and cannot be applied to cases where no labeled docs for any class is available. → 🤔 This study does not require any labeled docs, so it can be used for zsh setting?
Discussion Topics
- What parts of the framework can you consider or change if you apply LOTClass to computer vision or medical problems?
- Possible limitation of Category replacement & Masked category prediction
- How self-training works and helps to improve generalization ability?
- cf. Rethinking Pre-training and Self-training https://arxiv.org/abs/2006.06882
- Weakly- vs. semi-supervised learning
- What additional experiments can you design to improve the delivery of the paper's messages?
- I don't understand the general procedures in Section 3.3 self-training.
- I've never seen Kullback-Leibler Divergence as loss function before. Is it common in self training?
- In self-training, is Q distribution from softmax of model prediction?
- Self-training is just to apply contextualized embedding learned by label-relevant words to [CLS] tokens?
- I'm a little bit confusing. Can LOTClass outperfom in the few/zero-shot setting?
- Can LOTClass this model show good performance with language models for long sequences like Longformer or BigBird?